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JR... 写:
The service is really good and enthusiastic, the massage technique is really worth a full score, and the photos are exactly the same as the real person 👍good very nice 查看完整评语
Ja... 写:
今天去约了Candy ,颜值 9/10 标准美女,温文尔雅 淡淡轻妆 微微一笑倾城如含羞草一般 让你有种怜香惜玉的感觉 点了一个热游按摩,按摩頭部,肩頸放松,有力道,油推n力度很夠,卖力且耐心,是个真正在帮你按摩的 人,candy親切友善、熱情,話多無冷場,服務體貼入微,让你全身放松,然後會幫你... 查看完整评语
is... 写:
Market is looking good for chiongsters. As the ML industry becomes more competitive, gals are all improving their offering. Even have 鸳鸯沐浴. so nice to be pampered by yoyo lathering up my back and front, washing the foam off and drying me off to prep. Once all cleaned up, she starts off with her massage, then focus on butt, HDLY, and then flipped me over for some edging. Y's ending is the s... 查看完整评语
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